2025 Research Entry Scholarships

This is a preview of the 2025 Research Entry Scholarship application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

RACP Research Entry Scholarship application

Prior to completing the application form, applicants must:

  1. Read the Award Terms and Conditions. You may contact the Executive Officer for clarifications prior to submitting an application.
  2. Assess your eligibility carefully. Take special note where awards are tenable and the qualifications/research experience required for each award.

You may submit a project proposal for consideration for multiple individual awards within one application form. However, multiple applications will not be considered.

Eligible applicants need to submit only one application when applying for one or multiple awards under this category. Specify the awards you wish to apply for in Section D of this form. 

Applicants must submit an application using the online application form. Hard copies and emailed applications (e.g. in Word or PDF) will not be accepted.

Once you have submitted your application, it will be reassigned to your supervisor and an email will be sent to them to complete a supervisor statement form. They will be able to see the contents of your application but not change or amend your submission. You will be unable to access your application at this time.

Remember that your supervisor's submission is required before your application is considered complete. Please coordinate directly with them to ensure that they are able to complete this before the closing date.

You will be required to provide an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) in this application. If you don't have one yet, you can sign up for one here.

The Executive Officer may be reached at 02 9256 9639 or foundation@racp.edu.au if you have any clarifications regarding this application.